A chilly hello, my pindependents!
We've reach
ed the doldrums stage of the season: totally calm, everyone just having fun, no significant new updates.
Anyway, sorry about the late email. Between the cold and an actual cold I'm fighting off with plenty of over the counter meds and sleep, I let the weekend get away from me.
There are a few little updates for this week:
Payment plan players:
The website has been updated, so please submit your 2nd payment no later than Friday. Anyone who has not submitted their second payment by the end of this week will owe additional late fees.
Go to https://www.pindependentbowling.com/sign-up-with-payment-plan to finish your payment.
Oil on the lanes:
Last week, I was asked about the lanes not being oiled, as they usually are before our league play. Evidently, the shipment of the oil they use was delayed and they actually ran out before they could oil the lanes for us Sunday. It should be back to getting done again (particularly since Duke Heart also starts their league this week).
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please let me know! Otherwise, I'll see you on the lanes. Two more weeks until we make it through the bowldrums and move into our playoffs.
Standard weekly reminders:
Practice begins at 6pm and competitive play no later than 6:15.
Show up on time and be ready when it's your turn. Be mindful of your teammates and opponents, and don't make them wait on you.
Always check the lane to your right. If there is someone else about to bowl, defer to them (unless they give you the go ahead).
Use your own equipment. This includes balls, towels, chalk, etc.
Clean up your area. Don't be a dick, yes there's staff to clean up behind you, but you're grown, you can throw your own trash in the trash can.
Keep potential spills out of the approach area. Watch out for spills/wet floors. Wet shoes will DEFINITELY cause a fall, trust me on this one. Your ankle and your dignitiy will thank me.
AMF allows us to prebowl and practice any time Sunday through Thursday and Friday/Saturday until 6pm.
Make sure to specify when you check in if it's prebowling (3 games) or practice (2 games)
Make sure to send me your pre-bowling scores and write the date you are bowling for on your score card. It's not a bad idea to let your teammates know as well.
For practice games there is no guarantee that they can put you on 2 lanes league-style, so be willing to bowl on a single lane if needed.
Make sure to turn your team score sheets in to me. I keep the pink copy, just in case.
League cards: If you don't have yours, ask the bowling alley manager to get you set up.
The pro shop is open! New staff at the pro shop has made it clear to me that they will be open Sundays from 5 to 8 pm. So if you need shoes, balls, other equipment, feel free to thank them while you're in there for being here finally!
Stay warm now that the weather's turned a bit colder, and remember to wash your hands! Cold and flu season is in full swing.