It's our final week of the season! The Red Shirts will face off against Whatever Floats for some classy trophies and we'll eat pizza!
Also register for Spring 2024, recruiting email coming soon!
And so here we are, at the end of our winter season. The Red Shirts will play off against Whatever Floats for our very classy league trophies. Best 2 of 3 games will win!
But really, we all win, because it's pizza night. So if you're a person inclined to eat pepperoni or cheese bowling alley pizza, tonight is your night.
Once again, thanks for being such a great league! I know we've had a few hiccups here and there with late starts, but you've all been absolute champions. I can't want to start bowling with you again for our spring season in 3 weeks!
Speaking of our spring season, sign up here:
(If you go to the site, and it still has Winter 2024 listed, please refresh your browser)
The season will run for 10 weeks, starting on April 14 and ending on June 23rd. We will not bowl on Memorial Day weekend.
The price remains $15 per week, so plan on a season cost of $150. If you need to arrange payment other than with credit card or paypal, reach out to me directly.
Again, thanks for being such a great group of bowlers and friends!
Keely Godwin
your league manager, cruise director, and all-around bowling buddy.