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Winter 2023, Week 3: Smoother Sailing Ahead (I hope)

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): We're still having some growing pains, but teams should be established and rolling by now, let me know if there are issues.

Ok, so we got off to a rocky start, and then last week had its own share of headaches and problems, but this week should go more smoothly.

  • My apologies to the team who had to come and post bowl because of a SNAFU at the lanes. I know it wasn't my fault, but it still feels like I owe you an apology. I've spoken with Dan at Bowlero/AMF and am hoping things like that will be brought to our attention in advance.

  • Everyone's team should be assigned, and you should be on lanes this week. I've had one bowler drop out, but it shouldn't be an issue as she's never bowled, so she's been taken out of the rotation and her team has a VACANT player in there permanently (unless you have someone you'd like to bring along, we can get them registered and playing, still).

  • Please check the score sheets each week to be sure your scores were recorded correctly. Sometimes we find errors. This is one of the things that makes that Lane Talk app exceptionally handy, as it will track your scores over time, and you can go back and check your score from previous weeks.

    • Side note: I turn in the score sheets each week, and I do not keep a copy, so if you want to keep a copy each week, you're welcome to it.

A few other notes:

  • We don't have consistent floating subs in this league, but we do have people who are interested in subbing at times. If you are going to be out and you can't pre-bowl, please let me know as I will reach out to those folks to maybe sub in for you.

  • Again, our start time is 6:15 with competitive play starting no later than 6:30. Please try to be on time and rolling so we can clear out when we're done.

  • Finally, try to clean up after your teams when you finish: put trash in the cans, throw out any standing sheets you don't want to keep. I do not need you to bring the standings sheets to me, I have a copy already. We want to leave the bowling alley no worse than it was when we arrived. I haven't gotten any complaints, but I'm not looking to get any either.

You are all amazing and I love bowling with you! Remember this is a social, fun league, so we're here to have fun and be social!

Bowling etiquette and league reminders (I will post this every week):

  • If you pre-bowl, you must make sure to date your score card and let me know. Scorecards without dates will not be used.

  • Every league bowler will have 2 free practice games per week. These games can be played Monday through Friday until 6pm or any time on Sundays. Check in at the desk and let them know that you are here for practice games, not pre-bowling. You should NOT be given a score card for practice games, and you only get 2 for free (but a discount on additional games if you want them).

  • Be ready to bowl when it's your turn. I know the snack bar lines can be slow, but try to be aware of your turn to bowl and be ready.

  • Be aware of other bowlers: if 2 bowlers make the approach side by side, the bowler on the right has the right of way. Look around. Make sure that when it's your turn, you're not bowling at the same time as the bowlers in the lanes next to you.

  • Once your turn is done, finish up and get out of the way. Again, we're trying to keep things moving, so once your roll is complete, do your happy dance and let the next bowler approach.

  • Wear bowling shoes. This should go without saying, but street shoes can damage the approach and lead to falls. Shoes are NOT included in the price of your season, so make sure to rent your shoes when you arrive if you need to.

  • Keep an eye on food and drink: don't spill near the approach, wet shoes cause falls (trust me on this one). If you're a sloppy eater, then eat at the table behind the benches on the lanes.

  • Show up on time! We try to be done around 9 every week.

  • If you are going to miss a week, let your either me or your teammates know! I can't tell you the number of times we've had to guess if someone is going to show up or not, just be a champ and let us know.

  • Don't be a jerk. No, seriously. We're all here to have fun. Don't be a jerk.

Phew, you made it to the end, well done.

Questions? Comments? Send them my way!


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