Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): We had a lot of addons last night, which means some folks are still not registered/paid, but we'll work it out
If you are new, please register on our website, and pay if you haven't yet.
Show up Sunday at 6:15
We still have a few free agent spot for interested addons.
First off, let me just say, WOW! We had our biggest turn out ever last night and I'm delighted you all have joined us!
If you joined us last night and have not yet registered/paid on our website, please do that this week (if you paid with a credit card last night, you can still register, just choose “offline payment”). You can register here:
If you have questions about anything, email me or reply to this newsletter.
Given that you hadn't registered with me prior to last night you didn't get our first informational email that I sent out, but that's ok, you can read the contents here:
You can also follow us on Facebook and twitter:
What to expect on Week 2 (this coming Sunday):
When you arrive, your teams and player names should already be entered in the computer and assigned to lanes. Just find your team/name and set up there.
Each lane has 10 minutes of practice, please do not start practice for your lanes until everyone has arrived on both lanes. Starting practice for one starts them for both. Having said that, if it's 6:20 and folks aren't there, get cracking, since we want to start competitive play by 6:30.
Bowl out your 3 games, record your scores and hand them in to me.
If a player on your team is not listed (because they weren't here last night) then you can add them in manually, or check with me and I'll have the front desk add them in.
Folks who didn't play last week will not have an average, so your end score/points may look different once that average is calculated and added.
I fully expect this coming Sunday to go a little smoother than last night, but there will still be some hiccups, there always are. Just be patient with me and we'll get through it!
I do still have a couple of 3 person teams, so if you have friends who are interested and want to bowl, tell them to register and come on!
What to expect this season:
Again, we start competitive play no later than 6:30
If you miss a week you can pre-bowl, I've included that information again this week for the new kids (see below). If you miss a week and want to post-bowl, email me first (we usually don't post bowl b/c it gets very confusing, but we can make exceptions for emergencies and the like)
This is a league for fun, so, uh, yeah, have fun.
Don't forget about Lane Talk, the app that will track your scores/games and also help give you more granular information about your games. It's free!
If we have inclement weather that makes driving dangerous, we will review/discuss cancellations when that happens. It's pretty rare, but it's happened before. So stay subscribed to these emails for those updates.
Pre-bowling and Free Practice Games:
Every league bowler will have 2 free practice games per week. These games can be played Monday through Friday until 6pm or any time on Sundays. Check in at the desk and let them know that you are here for practice games, not pre-bowling. You should NOT be given a score card for practice games, and you only get 2. Note: I am trying to see about Saturday bowling during the day, but last season, AMF has cut us off on Saturday using our free games.
If you are going to miss a week, you can pre-bowl prior to Sunday night's start. If you prebowl, please let me know!! Again, you can pre-bowl until 7pm M-Sa or any time on Sundays. Make sure you let the staff at AMF know that you are PREBOWLING (not practicing) so that they have you sign in and give you a score card. Take a picture of the completed score card and send it to me. Make sure the score card has your name, your league/team name and the date you are pre-bowling for. If there is no date on the card, it cannot be used, so DATE YOUR SCORECARD.
I'm going to say this again if you didn't read that: Let me know if you're going to pre-bowl and send me your scores. Date your scorecard.
Bowling etiquette (yes you should read this part too):
Be ready to bowl when it's your turn. I know the snack bar lines can be slow, but try to be aware of your turn to bowl and be ready.
Be aware of other bowlers: if 2 bowlers make the approach side by side, the bowler on the right has the right of way. LOOK AROUND. Make sure that when it's your turn, you're not bowling at the same time as the bowlers in the lanes next to you.
Once your turn is done, finish up and get out of the way. Again, we're trying to keep things moving, so once your roll is complete, do your happy dance and let the next bowler approach.
Wear bowling shoes. This should go without saying, but street shoes can damage the approach and lead to falls. Shoes are NOT included in the price of your season, so make sure to rent your shoes when you arrive if you need to.
Keep an eye on food and drink: don't spill near the approach, wet shoes cause falls (trust me on this one). If you're a sloppy eater, then eat at the table behind the benches on the lanes.
Show up on time! We try to be done around 9 every week.
If you are going to miss a week, let your either me or your teammates know! I can't tell you the number of times we've had to guess if someone is going to show up or not, just be a champ and let us know.
Don't be a jerk. No, seriously. We're all here to have fun. Don't be a jerk.
Phew, you made it to the end, well done.
Questions? Comments? Send them my way!