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Winter 2020: Week 2, Now We're Rolling.

So, we made it through the first week.  This week should go a little bit smoother.  Just a couple of quick things to get to:

  1. When you arrive, DO NOT start practice until both teams on your lanes have arrived. If you have to blind a player or enter pre-bowling scores, you can do that, but the timer starts when you throw the first ball, so please, don't steal the other team's practice time by starting early if they're not all there.

  2. Speaking of arriving, please arrive at the lanes no later than 6pm. It's not just you and your team that's delayed, but the team you're opposing. Practice should be completed and competitive play started no later than 6:15 pm.  

  3. Speaking of competitive play, please be sure to be ready when it's your turn to bowl. If you want to order food or drinks try to time it so that you order between games or can be back in time for your turn.  A little delay here and there is fine, but we're really aiming for everyone to be done by 9pm and no later.

  4. Don't forget to brush up on etiquette. There is a page on the Pindependent site that has the basics of bowling etiquette.  The biggest ones that usually come up are deferring to the bowler on your right, as well as making sure to use your own equipment. Oh, and clean up after yourselves, don't leave a mess behind. Oh, and try to store your shoes and bags out of the area with the benches/lane approach, with 8 players at each site, it can get really cluttered and it's easy to trip.  

  5. Most importantly, remember that this is a social  league! Have fun. Get to know your teammates and your opponents. We're all here to have fun and meet people, so it's no good if you just keep to yourselves! Make new friends. It's ok to be competitive, just don't be a jerk.

We have had a couple of last minute additions to the league since Sunday, so teams may look slightly different than they did last week, but everything should be set for everyone to bowl. When you arrive, you should see your team name assigned to the lanes and the bowler names should be entered. If there are errors or concerns, please let me know. As usual, I will try to get there early these first few weeks of the season.  If it turns out that you have friends who wanted to bowl but didn't register, it's not too late! Sign up is still available on the site at I have a couple of 3 man teams, and space potentially for a pair if they show up this week. If you had teammates who did not show last week who have not yet registered, and they don't show or register this week, I may add free agents to your team.  Again, we're a social league, and we need to fill in those spaces, so please make sure your team is at the very least registered and paid if you're holding a space for them. If you have questions about this, please contact me directly.  Pre/post bowling:  Week 1 is the ONLY week where post-bowling is allowed (for the late addons). If you post bowled, please be sure to email me your scores and make sure you let me know that it was for week 1.   Pre bowling is for folks who are going to miss a regular game night. When you come to prebowl, make sure you let the staff know that it's prebowling. Also, email me (or your teammate) your scores afterward, and make sure that you write the date you are bowling for ON YOUR SCORE CARD.    Sometimes the staff doesn't include the cards with our folder, so if I don't know that you pre-bowled, I don't know to ask them to find the score card for me. So make sure you send someone who is going to be there your score.  Also if you pre-bowl, you MAY not bowl on that Sunday, otherwise, we have to pay for your games twice. So if you prebowl, but then end up being able to attend, you can either come and be social without bowling, or you can pay me $12 for that night's games and we'll throw out your pre-bowling scores.   Just a reminder that AMF allows us to pre-bowl (and use practice games) at any time Sunday through Thursday, and Friday and Saturday before 6pm.   As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly. Have a great rest of your week, and I'll see you Sunday! 

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