Dear Pindependents,
I am heartbroken to report that Scott let me know that our dear, kind friend, Richard Penny passed away last night.
If you've bowled with us for any length of time, including back in our WAKA days, you know that Richard was the epitome of a Pindependent. He was cheerful and kind, encouraging and fun to bowl with. He always had a kind word for a teammate or a competitor.
Having spent my Sunday nights with him and Scott for the last 6 years or so, I considered him a friend and counted him among my favorite people. He will be dearly missed by his friends and family.
My heart goes out to Scott and the rest of Richard's family.
In memory of our friend, Pindependent will be making a donation to Bowlers to Veterans Link (https://bowlforveterans.org/) in his memory.
I know that we're still social distancing and we can't hug or hold our loved ones close, but please, call someone and tell them how much they mean to you. And remember that you mean the world to someone, too.
I love you crazy bowlers, stay healthy and safe and I hope to roll the ball with you soon again.