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Writer's picturePindependent

Mask Up. We're (tentatively) Bowling.

Pindependents! The plan so far is to proceed with bowling starting the 12th of September. I've had a handful of people sign up, but we need more if we're going to proceed (otherwise, we're just a bunch of buddies bowling on Sundays). As it is, I'm cautiously planning for us to resume league play in September of this year. The first week will be Sunday, September 12, 2021. We will play 11 weeks, with a break on Halloween night and Thanksgiving weekend, which means that the season will stretch to December 7th. The website is updated and registration is now open. If you register before September 7th, you'll save $15.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Depending on how things look with local COVID19 numbers and recommendations from the Department of Health and CDC, the season could potentially be cancelled before it gets started. If that's the case, your money will be refunded. If we have to cancel midway through we will arrange partial refunds as well. If we don't get enough bowlers to launch a season, those who have already registered will receive a refund as well.

  • All bowlers must be vaccinated. If you haven't had your first shot yet, you have time, and you can be fully vaccinated by week 2. Get your vaccine. Stop making excuses.

  • Bowlers must wear masks at all times. Obviously, you can take your mask down to eat or drink, but put it back on. And remember, the damn thing goes over your nose. Don't think I won't be policing this.

  • If you are sick have a close exposure, I expect you to quarantine per CDC guidelines. Please see this website for more details on when you should quarantine. Don't bring that nonsense to our league: if you're sick, STAY HOME.

  • The usual bowling league perks will apply: 3 games on Sundays, 2 free practice games per week, discounts on food and soft drinks at the snack bar, etc.

  • There will be no post-bowling this season if you miss a week. Pre-bowling only.

  • Due to payment issues in previous seasons, all bowlers must pay in advance before the season starts. No exceptions.

So, let's cautiously plan on a return to league play in September. Register on the Pindependent Durham Bowling website Sign up page now and save a few bucks! Share the link with your friends!

Also, a few people have let me know they didn't get my first email, so please check to make sure you're subscribed to our updates on the website here.

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