My dearest, Pindependents,
First of all, I sincerely hope that you are all still doing well.
Normally, this would be the time you'd be getting your "what to expect for the first week of the league" email. Of course this would come on the heels of the dozens of "please sign up and bowl with us" emails you would have received. You probably noticed that you didn't get those sign up emails. So, here's your update you on the status of the league and the bowling alley here locally in Durham.
AMF will be opening up in the next week or so, and you may be getting some emails from AMF saying that our league is starting soon. That's actually not technically true, obviously. Pindependent will delay starting back up again until at least January of 2021. AMF, however, is opening and running some leagues. They have some plans in place to protect bowlers, but the truth is that the numbers in NC are still fairly high, and I'm just not comfortable bringing everyone together for a league, the risk is just a bit too high for groups at this point.
Therefore, if you get email from AMF suggesting that your league is starting up, it's all run through AMF and not through us. If you feel safe/comfortable and want to bowl, go for it. Please be safe, however, and practice appropriate social distancing, and wear your masks.
Having said that, my tentative plan is to restart with our league in early January. I suspect that there will still be bowlers who defer at that time, and that is 100% fine.
So, continue to take care, wash your hands, wear your masks, and we'll see you in the new year.