So, just a quick update: Thank you thank you thank you for those of you willing to be flexible with your team placement. Instead of having 7 four player teams with a few having blanks, we'll have 8 three player teams! This means we'll likely finish earlier pretty consistently each week (definitely done by 9pm), which I'm sure everyone will appreciate. Not sure what we'll do if we get last minute addons, but hey, we're a flexible bunch, we can make it work. For you late add-ons who missed yesterday's “what to expect week 1 email”, please check the Pindependent Blog site for updates, including instructions on this week and how the whole darn thing works. You can find all of the emailed updates here: https://www.pindependentbowling.com/blog Main thing to remember: tonight be there closer to 6, we usually start at 6:15. Can't wait to see you all tonight around 6pm on the lanes!