Now that we've all thawed out from our brief flirtation with winter, it's time wind up our regular season. More on the playoffs and how they work later. But for now, it's your team's last chance this week to throw up a few more points and try to qualify as one of our top 8 teams that move on.
There are a few little updates for this week:
Again, if you don't have a league card and want one, talk to the AMF staff. They can set you up. I have no control over that stuff, so stick with them.
Since Duke Heart has started their league, you may find yourself on a lane next to other league bowlers. Remember your etiquette: always defer to the bowler on your right unless you've decided together otherwise. Just be cool and make sure you're not bowling/approaching during someone else's approach.
Spring Bowling!
Believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about the spring season. If we want to play another 10 week season (most ideal, it seems), then we will take a very short 2 week break at the end of this season, and start up in April 5th. Taking a break for Memorial Day (note this means we WILL bowl Easter Sunday), we would end in Mid-June (the 14th). If this is utterly undoable, please let me know and if I get enough responses, we may need to adjust.
What this means is that registration for Spring season will be starting sometime in the next 2 to 3 weeks. So save your pennies and get ready to register!
Playoffs/Championships (staring NEXT WEEK):
Next week will begin our playoffs. The top 8 teams will play in a bracket style elimination playoff. Some ground rules:
Prebowling scores are NOT used for playoffs, you must be present for your scores to count. (You can still pre-bowl and your scores will be entered for your average, but they will not count for your team. If you can't be there, your blinded score will be used.)
As long as one team member shows up, that team can bowl. If everyone is absent, that team will be removed from the bracket and the teams below them will be moved up.
ONLY the 3 game points will be used. Total pins will not count. No ties. It's best 2 of 3 (if a team wins the first 2 games, it's up to you all if you want to play the third. I say do it, you paid for 3 games per night).
Winning teams move on to the semi-finals in week 9, and the 2 winners of those 4 teams will play in the championship game week 10.
If your team is not in the playoffs, you will STILL bowl! You paid for 10 weeks, you get 10 weeks. Plus there's still that best average competition happening.
If you have questions, please let me know.
Standard weekly reminders:
Practice begins at 6pm and competitive play no later than 6:15.
Show up on time and be ready when it's your turn. Be mindful of your teammates and opponents, and don't make them wait on you.
Always check the lane to your right. If there is someone else about to bowl, defer to them (unless they give you the go ahead).
Use your own equipment. This includes balls, towels, chalk, etc.
Clean up your area. Don't be a dick, yes there's staff to clean up behind you, but you're grown, you can throw your own trash in the trash can.
Keep potential spills out of the approach area.
Watch out for spills/wet floors. Wet shoes will DEFINITELY cause a fall, trust me on this one. Your ankle and your dignitiy will thank me.
AMF allows us to prebowl and practice any time Sunday through Thursday and Friday/Saturday until 6pm.
Make sure to specify when you check in if it's prebowling (3 games) or practice (2 games)
Make sure to send me your pre-bowling scores and write the date you are bowling for on your score card. It's not a bad idea to let your teammates know as well.
For practice games there is no guarantee that they can put you on 2 lanes league-style, so be willing to bowl on a single lane if needed.
Make sure to turn your team score sheets in to me. I keep the pink copy, just in case.
League cards: If you don't have yours, ask the bowling alley manager to get you set up.
The pro shop is open! New staff at the pro shop has made it clear to me that they will be open Sundays from 5 to 8 pm. So if you need shoes, balls, other equipment, feel free to thank them while you're in there for being here finally!
Stay toasty, bowlers, I'll see you Sunday!