Playoffs tonight, top 8 teams will play. If you're not in the playoffs, you still bowl. No pre-bowling for team scoring but can be used for averages. Matchups should be correct when you arrive tonight.
That's right, dear Pindependents, we've hit the last few weeks of the season and it's time for the playoffs.
The top 8 teams will face off against one another in a single elimination bracket style tournament.
Some quick rules:
Each pair will play 3 games (like we do), and the team who wins 2 of those three games moves on.
If there is a tie, then total pins will be used as a tie breaker. If that's tied, then scratch pins will be used. If that's tied, we all just quit and everyone gets a trophy. Or something like that.
Pre-bowling scores will NOT be used.
Players who pre-bowled will have their scores counted for their average, but it blind scores will be used for team scoring.
3 person teams need at least 1 player to show up, and 4 person teams need at least 2 players. Otherwise, your team will forfeit and our 9th place team will step in for you.
If your team is not in the playoffs, you will still bowl (you paid for the whole season, you bowl the whole season).
The matchups listed in the email are NOT CORRECT, but the matchups listed in the League Pals app are correct.
Key things to remember (will be included in every update):
Show up on time. We start competitive play at 6:30 pm. If you're late, but still arrive during game 1, we can “play you in” but please don't make a habit of it.
Every league bowler will have 2 free practice games per week. These games can be played Monday through Saturday until 6pm or any time on Sundays. Check in at the desk and let them know that you are here for practice games, not pre-bowling. You should NOT be given a score card for practice games.
If you are going to miss a week, you can pre-bowl prior to Sunday night's start. If you pre-bowl, please let me know!! Technically you can pre-bowl any time the bowling alley is open, based on lane availability. Make sure you let the staff at AMF know that you are PREBOWLING (not practicing) so that they have you sign in and give you a score card.
I recommend calling ahead to assure lane availability.
Take a picture of the completed score card and send it to me. Make sure the score card has your name, your league & team name and the date you are pre-bowling for.
Bowling etiquette (yes you should read this part at least once):
Be ready to bowl when it's your turn. No, seriously, don't be delaying play because you're messing around somewhere else. Being in line at the bar is one thing, but consistently having to be told it's your turn is annoying. Be considerate and ready when it's your turn.
Be aware of other bowlers: if 2 bowlers make the approach side by side, the bowler on the right has the right of way. LOOK AROUND. Make sure that when it's your turn, you're not bowling at the same time as the bowlers in the lanes next to you.
Once your turn is done, finish up and get out of the way. Again, we're trying to keep things moving, so once your roll is complete, do your happy dance and let the next bowler approach.
Wear bowling shoes. This should go without saying, but street shoes can damage the approach and lead to falls. Shoes are NOT included in the price of your season, so make sure to rent your shoes when you arrive if you need to.
Keep an eye on food and drink: don't spill near the approach, wet shoes cause falls (trust me on this one). If you're a sloppy eater, then eat at the table behind the benches on the lanes.
Don't be a jerk. No, seriously. We're all here to have fun. Don't be a jerk.